Race for Survival
About 56 children in Jilikul District, Khatlon Region of Tajikistan, ran a marathon relay on 23rd October 2013, calling for the government to improve health access for all children across the country. The event was attended by the government of Jilikul District, Ministry of Health, the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, doctors, teachers, parents and children.
Nearly 3,800 children and 1,000 adults took to the stadium of school #3 in Jilikul District to participate in a Race for Survival marathon that aims to raise awareness and advocacy about the importance of children’s health for all Tajik children. Children, 11–13 years old, from different villages of Jilikul District, ran along the leaders of the country. Children from both teams “Oftobak” and “Ahtaron” were so happy to run despite the cold weather.
“We are now friends to each other despite the distance and we will make the effort to be the best”, said a 13 year old Yorasenov Husein from Shahrak Village, Jilikul Jamoat. “It was nice to come together and run for all Tajik children,” said 11 year old Holikova Gulnora, Jilikul Jamoat, Badahshon Village.
Mr. Sherali Rahmatulloevich, Head of Mother and Child Health Department at the Ministry of Health, said that “Today is a big day for all Tajik children and it was possible to organize the marathon in one of the remote district of Tajikistan”. “This is very important message for us and our children. The children are our future and we’ll always continue to do the best for all Tajik children,” he added.
This was the first marathon and the event drew the participation of government agencies, parents, doctors, teachers and children from different villages running the 42.195 km race.