Women’s Wealth and Influence Project events contributed to prosperity of Women's Groups

Monday 18 April 2016



Since its inception Save the Children International’s DFID funded “Women’s Wealth and Influence” Project has held many events to improve the wealth and influence of thousands of rural women. The most recent events like Women Leadership Forums (WLF) and Cross Visits left imprints on the lives and activities of women’s groups. During these events groups leaders and members came together to share information on their collective activities, problems they face and ways of problems’ resolution, plans for the future, best practices and develop support networks.  

These events acted as the best tools for increasing women’s participation and influence on local decision-making. They enabled women’s groups to engage independently with local authorities without support of SC staff and helped to strengthen the linkages among various stakeholders. The project staff has documented several examples on the influence of the events to women individually, and in groups:

“During the Forum WGs had an opportunity to share their experiences on how groups could document the cash flow (receipts and expenditure). However we were experiencing difficulties in making it happen and sought the advice from SCI specialist. Upon our request the project Business Development technical specialist gave a practical advice how to manage and document it properly. The answers proved with clear evidence and supported by specific examples. Now our group is using obtained knowledge in keeping the register book on the cash flow, which helps to be transparent in using funds and managing the group’s cash honestly” - said Karimova Kholbibi, WG Leader from Khuroson district.

Khanjarova Managul, WG Leader, Khuroson District underlined: “During the forum I learnt how women used efficiently their cash: some groups got engaged in livestock breeding, running sewing workshops, planting of green vegetables and etc. We used to collect money till then gave it back to group members and each member used money for in-house needs.  After the forum we had a group discussion and came to the conclusion to invest the group cash in livestock breeding”.

“We participated in the Forum along with WGs consisting of school teachers. I liked teacher’s profession and was very proud of having an opportunity to share our group activities with them. I’m very sorry that I don’t possess higher education. However I will make all efforts to improve my life and contribute to improvement of our community, teachers are also people like me, aren’t they?”, Ziyoeva Zebuniso, WG Leader, Rudaki District.

During the WLF in village Tokak, Khovaling District, thirteen (13) women’s groups from three (3) jamoats (Sariosiyob, Lohuti and Jombakht) shared the problems they are facing their community, especially issue of main bridge affected by heavy flood that disconnected people from other villages and slowed down their movement. Within two (2) months six (6) WG in close cooperation with local authorities and mobilizing the community members maintained the bridge and re-established the movement of people. “Women Groups in our village become a real wheel for improving women status and position within the society. At the beginning we were in deep doubt that these groups will function and last longer without any external financial support. However the time proved that if the woman wants to make changes in her life and life of her family she does it. Nothing stops women to make it happen” stated Abdusodiq Sabzaev Head of Tokak community.

Forums and Cross Visits also acted as a communication and exchange experience platform for older and younger generation, mother-in-lows and daughter-in-laws. For example, in village Qambar, Qaratogh jamoat, Tursunzoda, WG “Bahtiniso” shared its experience in poultry keeping. Mothers-in-law of the groups leader didn’t know about the group activity. She was happy that her daughter-in-law engaged in community and income generation activities, and as an elder of the village made own recommendation on planting of fruit trees on non-arable land in the village. Following the advice the group purchased seedlings and planted fruit trees. “Good person leaves a garden behind and bad one leaves “dark spot” they said.

During the groups’s strengthening visit to village Qambar, jamoat Qaratogh, Tursunzoda city, the project staff revealed that WG “Salomat” consisted of 13 women expanded their income generation activity. Initially the group engaged in poultry keeping and and after the participation  in Cross Learning Visit to Shahrinav District on livestock breeding, the group decided to get engaged in sheep breeding activity. “We were in doubt that women as well can engaged in livestock breeding activities, but during the event we saw that WG “Marhabo” managed it and received good profit from breeding and selling of sheep” said Mustafokulova Ruzihol, Group Leader.

Almost all women who participated in Women Leadership Forums and Cross Visits mentioned that these events gave them an opportunity to exchange experiences, to get new ideas for future activities. They also noted that they were very useful for strengthening of group’s unity and solidarity.