Women’s Wealth and Influence Project Women continued exchange experience to improve their livelihood and economical status

Friday 24 June 2016

Department for International Development (DFID) extended the funding of Save the Children’s Women’s Wealth and Influence Project for 2016 in 17 districts of Tajikistan and the project continued its women empowerment activities.


Learning exchanges, an important component of Save the Children’s Women’s Wealth and Influence (WWI) Project, funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), are a crucial platform for women’s groups to exchange experiences in different areas and learn from one another. On may 13th, 2016 more than 50 women from 17 target districts gathered in Khuroson district to learn about poultry breeding. Representatives of local government were also invited and took part in the event. The event was hosted by a women’s group “Navbunyod” in Jamoat Obikiik, village Navbunyod.  This WG breeds turkeys and is funded by pooled money, a central strategy of the “You decide” methodology. 

The leader of WG “Navbunyod”, Saidova Bibi shared her group’s turkey breeding experience, including how they care for turkey chicks, prevent and treat poultry diseases, and how they generate profit from breeding and selling the birds. She emphasized the importance of the cooperation with the local government and the Veterinary Department of the District for resolution  of  issues  they  faced.  Deputy  Chief  Veterinarian  of  Khuroson  District  Kamolov Musulmon together with  Qahor Hakimov, Agriculture & Livestock Technical Expert  for the project gave valuable advice on prevention and treating poultry contagious diseases.

The Head of Obi Kiik Jamoat, Zuhro Rajabalizoda together with the Head of the district Women and Family Affairs Department, Salomova Ziyoda, welcomed participants and highlighted the initiative of local women which leads to positive changes in their families and community. “We have been in close cooperation with Save the Children since 2012 and the organization has supported us in achievement of the MDGs for poverty reduction and women’s empowerment. Today our women are able to generate new working places to improve their lives”, stated Salomova Ziyoda, She also informed women about the President’s Grant available for women engaged in income generation activities and called upon women to participate in the contest.

Safarmamadov Fakhriddin, Business Development Expert,  then  addressed  the  group  and  provided more  detailed  information  regarding  turkey breeding business development as well as other income generating opportunities for rural women. Gulbakhor Tagoeva, the project Field Coach, shared information on the nutritional value of turkey meat consumption, and included a description of the various vitamins it contained. The event was filmed and broadcasted through regional and state TVs.


DFID funded Women’s Wealth and Influence (WW&I) Project launched in 2012 in Tajikistan with the purpose of increasing the wealth and influence of 65000 rural women. More than 4200 women’s groups were established and provided with the methods to gather and pool their savings, allowing  them  to  undertake  community  and  income generating  activities  to  improve  their livelihood and economical status.