Food for Education and Child Nutrition
In all the seven oblasts of Kyrgyzstan, Save the Children International, in cooperation with Mercy Corps, is implementing a recently launched project under the McGovern-Dole program "International Food for education and Child Nutrition".
The project aims to develop an up-to-date guide to teaching, ensure the availability of school materials and supplies, modernize textbooks, improve the skills and knowledge of teachers and school management, and strengthen the role of the family and the community in improving the quality of education.
For teachers, librarians and parents of pupils will be conducted a series of trainings on extracurricular reading and positive discipline. In addition, for children will be organized such events as reading festivals and handicraft contests, etc. To increase children’s interest in out-of-class reading, Save the Children International will provide classrooms with books for children. In addition, for little readers, Readers’ Clubs will be organized on the basis of public libraries.
Mercy Corps is planning to improve the material base, rehabilitate the infrastructure of school canteens, and provide food. In addition, for parents, school administration and canteen workers will be organized trainings on nutrition, health, hygiene, safe preparation and storage of food, access to clean water and sanitation.
The project is going to be implemented in 430 schools throughout the country, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyzstan Republic. The planned completion date for the project is December 31, 2021.