“Mother and Child Health” project: the first achievements

Friday 27 April 2018

Save the Children International completed the first training events in twenty project villages for women's groups and community group members in Varzob and Vahdat.

Training courses on mother and child’s health were held for 400 members of 20 women’s groups. These trainings addressed the reduction of child and maternal mortality, the importance of breastfeeding, and ways to identify various health threats before, during, and after pregnancy.

For community group members, the project organized trainings on such issues as community mobilization, development of small projects to receive assistance in the form of technical equipment for rural health centers. The participants were trained how to identify the problem and assess the current situation in the village and apply methods of participation of community members in solving actual problems. One of the important issues discussed was the establishing of emergency transport funds and the procedure for collecting and storing the funds necessary for the organization of such a fund.


After the completion of the above-mentioned training courses, Save the Children International has started training for specialists from rural health centers, obstetrician-gynecologists and family doctors in Vahdat (from 23rd of April till the 27th April) and Varzob (from 30th of April till the 4th of May).