Save the Children’s Women’s Wealth and Influence (WWI) Project funded by Department for International Development (DFID) held its Project End Meeting on April 20, 2016 at the National Library, Dushanbe.
Salima Saburova, 30, Leader of women’s group learnt to read and write after her engagement with Save the Children International’s DFID funded “Women’s Wealth and Influence” Project.
On February the 24th 2016, the Save the Children International DFID funded Women’s Wealth and Influence (WW&I) Project organized a fashion show for rural women. Representatives of women’s groups from 17 target districts participated in the event. The main idea of the event was to showcase the work of rural women with a focus on traditional handicraft and clothes. The objective of this show was to introduce and link these women entrepreneurs to the wider community and local authorities to create market linkages.