
Wednesday 10 June 2015

In-Service-Training for teachers in Tajikistan teaches importance of print-rich environment

Under the framework of the USAID Quality Reading Project implemented the American Institutes of Research (AIR) and Save the Children, in-service teacher training (IST) for teachers was conducted from January-March 2015 for over 1,000 teachers across Tajikistan. The training promoted new methodologies and teaching strategies to improve the educational experience of students. Now in the implementation phase, participant teachers are noticing the positive changes within their classrooms.

Friday 5 June 2015

Reconstruction of a Village road builds community, safety for local children in Tajikistan

New construction and building of infrastructure is well underway in remote villages in Tajikistan. These construction projects are being conducted under the framework of the European Union funded DIPECHO VIII project, “Increasing Resilience of Institutions, Communities and Most Vulnerable Groups to Natural Disasters in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.” In order to build sustainable change, funds for small scale mitigation projects have been a main activity for the project which is being implemented by Save the Children International in Tajikistan. 

Saturday 30 May 2015

Kyrgyz children find inspiration, tolerance through meeting famous persons with disabilities

On the morning of May 27, 2015 Save the Children International in Kyrgyzstan conducted a media campaign at Ak-Suu secondary school №4 in the village of Ak-Suu Moscow district of Chui oblast. Timed to coincide with International Children's Day, famous persons with disabilities were invited to act as role models at the event which was organized under the framework of European Union funded project, “Promoting, protecting and enforcing the rights of people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan.”

Monday 18 May 2015

International Children's Day

Students of the Rehabilitation Center Umut-Nadejda, Kyrgyzstan during the event conducted by Save the Children International

Friday 15 May 2015

Teaching the importance of inclusive education to his peers, Kyrgyz child with disabilities attends school regularly

BISHKEK, 15 May 2015 - 10-year-old Abdumajid did not go to school for a year. Living in Moskovskii District, a semi-urban area near capital city Bishkek of Kyrgyzstan, Abdumajid has motor impairments that kept him in the home for the 2013-2014 school year. Living with his father and grandmother, he received home education until being reached in May 2014 by the European Union funded project "Promoting, protecting and enforcing the rights of people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan", implemented by Save the Children.
