
Friday 26 September 2014

Building the competences of our staff and service providers to improve protection and living conditions of children of migrant families

“During my years in schools and my five years of university I studied a lot but here, in five days, I learnt more useful things than my years in university!” says Fatima Gulieva, 32, during a break from the training of trainers (ToT) on child rights and child protection organized by Save the Children in August 2014, in the framework of the EU funded project “Addressing negative economic and social consequences of labour migration through the Enhancement of Protection Services of Families and Children of Migrants Left Behind in Tajikistan”.

Friday 19 September 2014

Enhance participation of children with disabilities with successful testimonials in Kyrgyzstan

"Children should strive to help each other. People must respect and appreciate each other. Every child needs to learn now to not put education off much longer" said Kalyk Mambetakunov during an information campaign in Ak-Suu school, Moskowskii district, a semi-urban area not far from the capital city of Bishkek. The event was organized on September 16th, 2014  by Save the Children in the framework of the project "Promotion, protection and enforcing  the rights of people with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan" funded by the European Union.

Friday 12 September 2014


On September 4, 2014 Save the Children organized a ceremony for transferring equipment, supplies and furnitures to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan and Republican Healthy Life Style Center

Wednesday 10 September 2014

100,000 knitted caps distributed in Tajikistan for raising awareness about the health of newborns

Save the Children team in Central Asia handed over 100,000 knitted caps to the Ministry of Health to keep babies warm and to raise awareness about health of newborns

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Save the Children conducts training for Tajik officials on providing support to Children of migrant workers

Kick-off meeting with government representatives was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, followed by two-days training for officials on managing migration effects for children of migrant workers
